A podcast

about what’s arising at the intersections of Impact Networks, Systems Change, Futures & Foresight

This podcast is for collaborators, visionaries, and changemakers. For people who believe we’re in this together, and practitioners who understand that shaping change is relational work. Learn more!


In 2024, Circle Generation, School of Systems Change, and School of International Futures launched this six episode podcast series exploring what’s arising in the intersections between our similar practices and approaches to: cultivating networks, engaging with a systemic lens, and creating futures where we all thrive. 

This vision emerged from a few informal conversations that sparked connections and  illuminated common ground we didn’t know we shared. From this grew an inspiration to share more broadly–both the concepts and the work that’s happening on the ground. So, we invited practitioners from diverse local contexts to show how they engage many people to navigate change collectively. 

Each episode focuses on relational ways of working that enable us to engage with complex issues and collaborate in uncertainty. We look at ways of engaging with dynamic challenges, and consider the role a living systems worldview may play informing how we shape change in complex systems. 

Please listen to the podcast, share it with fellow changemakers and funders, and leave an honest review on the listening platform of your choice. Continue the conversation using #aliveandlearning on socials. We can all have more impact it we consider multiple perspectives, learn through our relationships with others, and take action in shaping the future together.

Podcast Team

  • Co-Host & Producer

    Elsa moves between the roles of facilitator, coach, and educator. In each role, her focus is on supporting individuals to learn, broaden their sense of what’s possible, and connect with a deeper sense of purpose. She brings an attitude of curiosity, respect, and care to all of her work.

    Elsa has worked internationally as a facilitator and educator for 12 years. Her work focuses on capacity development and team alignment in corporate and nonprofit organizations. As an educator, she trains counselors and facilitators at the postgraduate level. Elsa holds a BA in Anthropology, and an MA in Process-Oriented Psychology and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Organizational Studies.

  • Producer

    Sam Whelan-Curtin is a communications consultant and media producer working with social causes. He is passionate about the power of storytelling to motivate action on our world's most pressing issues. He works with foundations and philanthropy, including Small Foundation and Rethink Ireland, to support the communication efforts of organisations in Ireland, the U.K. and sub-Saharan Africa. 

    He is also the host of Conversations in Grief, a podcast sharing experiences of loss and bereavement, and a director of the Fumbally Exchange, a collaborative network of creative professionals interested in social change. He holds a degree in Psychology & English, a masters in Film Production, and post graduate qualifications in Innovation in Social Enterprise.

  • Co-Host & Producer

    Carri is a systems strategist and masterful facilitator who partners with systems change leaders to cultivate thriving organizations and networks. Her clients include regional and global networks, coordination teams, and executives. She brings a bright spirit of generosity, detail-orientation, and a patient, caring essence that facilitates a relaxed state among individuals while navigating change.

    She is based in Portland, Oregon and enjoys working globally. Carri holds a BA in Political Theory and a MA in Public Administration and Nonprofit Management. She is certified as a True Purpose Coach for individuals and organizations.

  • Editor

    Renatus Mshomba believes that by celebrating those making a difference in our times, we inspire others to do the same. As a passionate storyteller and brand strategist, Renatus has hosted 40 episodes of the African Leadership Academy's "Unleash the Network" podcast. Additionally, he produces content for the Anzisha Prize, which celebrates Africa's youngest entrepreneurs. He has also produced 35 episodes for his podcast, "theREN Experience," where he has hosted some of Africa's most influential change-makers, including PLO Lumumba, Vusi Thembekwayo, and Fred Swaniker. Renatus is an alumnus of the African Leadership Academy and is currently in his final year pursuing a major in Entrepreneurship at the African Leadership University. 

  • Narrator & Producer

    Facilitator, network coordinator, consultant and chartered accountant with 15 years of experience working within the impact, systems-change, development and finance sectors. Has designed and led several ecosystem-building projects, and managed multi-country teams towards impact-driven collaboration. Her work ethic, value system, empathy and curiosity have enabled her to bring unique perspectives, passion, and positive change to a range of organisations and projects across Africa.

  • Marketing & Podcast Manager

    Sara grew up amongst the cornfields and white cedars near the Fox River on the lands of the Potawatomi Tribe. These days she prefers looking out over the mountains from 10 pitches up or with a snowboard strapped to her feet. After graduating from University of Michigan, Sara headed west to Portland and started Saradipity Media, a one-woman-show helping mission-driven brands and nonprofits amplify their voices. She has over 15 years of experience in writing, marketing, project management, event production, and nonprofit management. She takes sick pleasure in systems and spreadsheets and can always be trusted to keep energy levels soaring. Sara currently resides on Maui to appease her ocean-loving Aussies (husband and pup) and ensure her daughter’s grows up immersed in nature.

In Partnership With

  • Small Foundation

    Small Foundation is a philanthropic foundation based in Ireland with a vision and mission of eradicating extreme poverty in Africa by catalyzing income-generating opportunities, particularly for those in rural areas. Small Foundation’s goal is to improve the business ecosystems that proliferate income opportunities for those in extreme poverty by expanding the access of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to knowledge, skilled human resources, finance, technology, and markets. Small Foundation uses a combination of grants, debt and equity to support initiatives to achieve its impact objectives.

  • Circle Generation

    Circle Generation is dedicated to supporting transformative projects that tackle global challenges through innovation and collaboration. Founded on the principles of working relationally and social equity, Circle Generation invests in initiatives that promote renewable energy, conservation efforts, and sustainable development practices worldwide. By partnering with visionary leaders and organizations, they aim to accelerate positive change in areas such as climate action, biodiversity conservation, and community resilience. Circle Generation's approach integrates philanthropy with strategic investments to drive replicable solutions and create a more vibrant future for generations to come.

Acknowledgement: Converge

We stand on the shoulders of many elders and colleagues. In particular we want to thank the co-creators of the Converge Network, particularly David Ehlichman and David Sawyer who together held the vision and put in the long hours to bring together the foundational frameworks and practices of Converge into the book Impact Networks which continues to shape the evolution of network practice. We acknowledge and appreciate the insights of other members of the Converge Network that helped shape early iterations of this project, including Nick Viele. 

Once more we are witnessing the network’s theory of change in action. We see this podcast as an expression of the ways in which weaving the threads of connection, coordination and collaboration leads to emergent innovations with the potential for broad, lasting impact. Together these threads make up the network theory of change, which we see in practice in each of the episodes.